choose a role
The roles below are merely suggestions to enhance your experience. You can alweays create your own, but you might just find what you’re looking for already made. Take a look and think about who you want to be!
the price is right
Have gun will travel and it’s going to cost ya. Loot runs, passenger missions, hostages to the highest bidder, it doesn’t matter. If the client can pay, you and your services might be the only thing that keeps this world turning. How you live is up to you, but one thing is for sure – you’re getting paid.
a simple life
The only way you’re going to survive this shithole without starving is to grow food yourself. You just want to be left alone on your own piece of land and live a simple life. When you’ve got more than you can chew, there are always traders around to unload the surplus. Trading with survivors is usually not worth the risk.
more than just a venue
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